Category - News & Weather Apps
News & Weather AppsNews & Weather Apps
In this day and age, who doesn’t want to stay up to date with latest news and weather updates? The current events in the country and the world are changing constantly with time and news can keep you ahead with detailed and updated information.
There are plenty of ways to get latest updates about weather and news like TV, newspaper, and radio. However, there are many ways to get latest updates on the go thanks to the advancement of technology. These news & weather apps provide all the important details to the user, including trending stories, headlines, and weather reports. You can also gain knowledge about current affairs in business, sports, technology, politics, and other subjects.
Set Widgets
These apps also come with home screen widgets to provide one-tap access to the latest stories and the app itself. You can easily keep track on the latest news and weather forecasts. You can also post comments on the stories.
Weather updates
The News & weather apps also provide all the details to the users about weather conditions. They can get up-to-date weather results of any device location. You can easily search for the updates on a specific place.
Latest news
These apps come up with all the latest updates and news about the world. You really do not have to refresh the window all the time. All these apps are updated automatically from time to time. You will get latest updates about lifestyle, sports, business, health, tech, and other topics that might interest you.
Watch live videos
You can also watch latest coverage and videos about updates with these apps. You can easily watch live videos and browse through the latest updates. These apps can give live details and current updates with one tap on home screen.